Saturday, December 10, 2011

Holistic approach and Assessment

The holistic approach to Early Childhood Development focuses on a child’s physical, emotional, social, and cognitive development. The term holistic simple stated sees a child’s development as a whole and seeks to expand and improve those areas through early childhood educational programs and education. In the United States, the federal government along with advocates for children has realized the importance of the early years on the developing child, and has set in motion programs designed to enhance learning and achievement in children.
Students being educated in Kenya follow a somewhat different educational journey. They began formal schooling at the age of seven through thirteen. During this period, it is considered elementary (primary) educational period. During my research, I found that Kenya has an international school whose curriculum is American based. They also have a magnet school. Education is extremely valued in Kenya, and parents realize that it is means of bettering their economic and family situations. Assessments are teacher prepared criterion reference test. I couldn’t find any other known assessment tools that were being used. Although at the end of the elementary period, those students who perform well are tested for future educational opportunities. Only those who could afford future schooling were allowed to continue.
Assessing children’s knowledge of material is necessary to gain information about recall, memory, and recognition of material. So much emphasis is being placed on assessments and achievement that the number of high school graduates in our area has dropped tremendously.  Students have begun buying diplomas online from schools that have no accreditation from the state. Those diplomas look good on paper, but they are not accepted by some colleges.