It has been a pleasure working and collaborating with each of you. During this course I have learned a great deal about collaborating and communicating with groups. I feel as though we all have grown. I especially like how respect was shown during our class discussions and our blog post. Walden prides itself on building a community of learners, and I've enjoyed collaborating within that community.
I wish all of you the best, and I look forward to continuing our journey through our chosen profession at walden. It has been a journey, but one worth the effort. My mother use to tell me that "nothing ventured, nothing gained". We have ventured and we have gained knowledge and skillsets that will be beneficial to our professions. Good Luck! It's been a pleasure.
Thursday, October 25, 2012
Sunday, October 14, 2012
Adjourning Groups
I personally file that adjourning any group where active participation has taken place is somewhat hard because ties and connections have been made and new found friendships have occured. When you belong to a high performing group who has made it through the norming and performing stage, you pretty much know a little about the person.
I once belonged in a group through my job. I became acquainted with the people within the group at a best practices workshop. We had a week to work closely together. We had to come up with a group presentation to present before the class. This was a high performance group. We followed the five steps that I've became acquainted with this week. At that time I did not know about the steps, I just know the procedures we went throught. Although my group did not make everyone feel valued, I was happy and sad at the end of the week.
One group was to be chosen for the best project, and we would have won if they had let everyone talk, like I suggested. They wanted the young man from the group to talk and represent us all. After the session had come to an end, the professor said that we had the best project, and would have won if we all had something to say about the project and the contributions toward the final project. I believe that when you work with groups in a high performing status, you become familiar with each member and creating bonds. By the time the group comes to an end, you hate to see everyone go their seperate ways. Only rarely do you continue networking with your acquaintences.
While attending Walden, I have networked with a variety of people. The group participation has been great and the bond are meaningful ways to meet the educational task we have to meet. I believe that at the end of our educational journey I will wish everyone good luck and congratulate them for a job well done, and for their participation within each course. Adjourning is an essential stage because all good things must come to an end. Closure is always adequate for showing appreciation and gratitude. I also think is is important for closure, because you never know when you will need to contact people again, so it's best to adjourn properly.
Thursday, October 4, 2012
Managing Conflict
Recently I had a conflict with a colleague. The conflict was about a conversation that was held about her recent lost due to a house fire. Her fiance was in our area discussing the situation. I came in on the discussion,ut for some reason he went home and told her that I was inquiring about her personal business. She confronted me the next morning at work. I'll admit, I was kind of surprised since I was merely a listener. I could tell that she was upset, so I listened until she got finished. Then I told her that I was sorry about the misunderstanding, but that I was not the one inquiring. I couldn't understand why he would go back and lie about the conversation
I wanted to confront him, but instead I asked the other co-worker about the conversation and she said I should have told the lady that she was the one asking personal questions. Then I started reading about how to resolve conflict, and one of the positions of NIV is to be an empathetic listener. I believe I did that in the onset of the disagreement. The next step I took was to wait a couple of days, then I brought her a card that gave her praise, while also expressing sympathy about her recent loss. When she got the card, she phoned my office and was very appreciative, and expressed that she was not angry but that she couldn't understand why someone would get all in her business like that. After she finished, I simply said, people will be people, and that I really don't have time to strategies about her problems because I have some of my own that needed attending too.
Based on this weeks assignment I understand that part of defusing an argument or confrontation is to be an emphatic listener. Respect the person for their feelings and views about the situation, because it might not be that situation that has them upset. A good listener will allow the person to vent without verbally attacking them back. Another way to prevent conflict is by implementing the 3 R's when involved in conversations, respect, responsive, and reciprocal behavior. It is o.k. to disagree, but respect the person's opinions, while also being responsive in a respectful manner. Finding a way to resole the conflict in a way that emulates respect toward the person and their feelings will lead to a more peaceful solution to the problem. Yelling is not the answer.
Sunday, September 30, 2012
As a Communitor
This week's assignment lead me to explore and find out how people viewed me as a communicator. One things that surprised me was that myfamily members said that I don't think before I say things that may hurt others feelings. If I think it, I say it. This surprised me, because I thought I was a careing individual. I thought it was o.k. to relax when communicating with family. Now I'll have to reconsider my communication skills with them. The second surprize was with my co-worker, she said that I talk with my eyes and if I don't like something, or even if I'm having a bad day, she can look at me and tell. I found out that she could read my moods through my fascial expressions without even saying any words.
In our resources we read about self-concept and self esteem. These two terms play a major part in my ability to communicate effectively. Self-efficacy describes how I'm able to deal with stress & failure in my live. In my readings I discovered that depending on the situation, my communication skills differ because I have built up a defense machanizm to strike out before being hurt. Mainly because my self esteem must be low.
Learning about my self-concept and how people are able to read me by my facial expressions has caused me to think about my communication skills and my opinion of myself. Understanding that people can tell what I'm thinking without talking will affect the way I'm able to communicate with families and co-workers. I've also found out that it's not o.k. to say what I feel without considering the feelings of others in both my professional and personal life. In order to succeed, I must be able to sell myself as well as my opinions. I believe that being an effective communicator is one of the major areas I must work on for my future succdess.
In our resources we read about self-concept and self esteem. These two terms play a major part in my ability to communicate effectively. Self-efficacy describes how I'm able to deal with stress & failure in my live. In my readings I discovered that depending on the situation, my communication skills differ because I have built up a defense machanizm to strike out before being hurt. Mainly because my self esteem must be low.
Learning about my self-concept and how people are able to read me by my facial expressions has caused me to think about my communication skills and my opinion of myself. Understanding that people can tell what I'm thinking without talking will affect the way I'm able to communicate with families and co-workers. I've also found out that it's not o.k. to say what I feel without considering the feelings of others in both my professional and personal life. In order to succeed, I must be able to sell myself as well as my opinions. I believe that being an effective communicator is one of the major areas I must work on for my future succdess.
Friday, September 21, 2012
Communication & Diversity
Considering my family structure, colleagues, community, and neighborhood, I find myself adjusting to the situation. With family and friends, I can be who I am even with my flaws. When communicating with colleagues and people from the workplace, I tend to be more professional in my delivery. Not that I am two different people, but in the workplace, I want to be professional and mindful of what I say and how my body language contributes to my message.
While being careing of what you say and how you say it, people may still receive a different message that the one you intended. I had a conversation with one of the custodians, and a colleague. I didn't think anythng about the conversation, but the custodian went home and told his girl friend that I was asking her personal business. It was not I who asked but my colleague. I don't know if my body language or facial expressions gave a different response, but my mouth did not. One strategy that I will use from that encounter, is to avoid sitting in areas where people discuss their personal business.
When I conversate with my family, I just say what I feel without any reservations. On a job the situation is different. I must be mindful because children, families, and other professionals may be impacted by what and how I express myself. I have some diversity in my family in regards to culture, race, religion, political affiliations and sexual orientations. Some strategies I could use would include, better listening skills, avoid stereotyping, and working on any perceptual barriers that I might have that will prevent me from being an effective communicator with my diverse family and working environment.
While being careing of what you say and how you say it, people may still receive a different message that the one you intended. I had a conversation with one of the custodians, and a colleague. I didn't think anythng about the conversation, but the custodian went home and told his girl friend that I was asking her personal business. It was not I who asked but my colleague. I don't know if my body language or facial expressions gave a different response, but my mouth did not. One strategy that I will use from that encounter, is to avoid sitting in areas where people discuss their personal business.
When I conversate with my family, I just say what I feel without any reservations. On a job the situation is different. I must be mindful because children, families, and other professionals may be impacted by what and how I express myself. I have some diversity in my family in regards to culture, race, religion, political affiliations and sexual orientations. Some strategies I could use would include, better listening skills, avoid stereotyping, and working on any perceptual barriers that I might have that will prevent me from being an effective communicator with my diverse family and working environment.
Thursday, September 13, 2012
Communication Observance of Grey's Anatomy
The television show that I watched was Grey’s Anatomy. I have never watched this show so I am not familiar with the characters or the plot.
This episode opened with a plane that had crashed. I looked like people who were co-workers from a hospital. Their facial expressions were that of fear, anxiety, surprise and then happiness. Watching the episode without sound caused me to assume they were looking for other people who were traveling with them, but were unaccounted for after the plane racked. It seemed like their voices could have been raised as if calling for someone. I also saw a look of discuss, from one of the victims toward the pilot, as he was talking to her.
After watching the episode with volume, I found out that two of the women were sisters, and one of them had a husband that was also traveling with them on the plane, but had not been found. One of the ladies had gotten her arm broke but was assisting the others who were injured. The expression that I saw on the Chinese girl’s face as the pilot addressed her, was one of discuss. He was complaining while other people were more severely injured and needed some assistance. One of the passengers lost her sister, but her husband appeared out of the wreckage.
Based on my observation during total silence, I could have been more correct and even able to name everyone if it had been a show that I watched and was familiar with the characters. My “aha” moment came when I found out the some of the passengers were related. Their facial expressions and movements of the body let me know that they were experiencing fear, anxiety, and pain. I could also sense a slight moment of disgusts at the pilot, which turned out to be valid. Another “Aha” moment was when I found out that they people on the plane crash were interns and doctors.
From watching this episode, I learned that facial expressions are somewhat readable, and that even a person who may be deaf can sense fear in a person’s eyes. I also learned that you can tell if someone is hurt by their body movement as well. What you can’t tell from looking is if the people are related, when no fiscal contact is seen.
Friday, September 7, 2012
Communicating Effectively
It's interesting to be discussing communication on a week when the democratic party is stating the forum, and nominating President Obama to represent their party. But I choose former president Bill Clinton as a person who I feel knows how to communicate effectively. As I watch former president Clinton deliver his speak, the first thing that I noticed was his smile, that facial expression. I also listened to his words, but I also watched his body language. His movements and his words, seemed to capture the attention of the audience. He also talked about ventures that he had undertaken which made his delivery more credible. I would definitely have to say that being knowledgeable about the content matter is a plus, when addressing a crowd of people.
As a person who attends church and sometimes being given an opportunity to speak, I understand how important it is to be informed about the issues you will be discussing.
I would like to model some of his behavior in order to become a competent communicator, buy being knowledgeable, poised, confident when I'm placed in front of an ordience. That winning smile, helps to ease the fears of the audience. I just think he did a marvelace job with his speech delivery. This is not intended to start a denomination debate, but to merely point out his characteristics, and communication delivery.
As a person who attends church and sometimes being given an opportunity to speak, I understand how important it is to be informed about the issues you will be discussing.
I would like to model some of his behavior in order to become a competent communicator, buy being knowledgeable, poised, confident when I'm placed in front of an ordience. That winning smile, helps to ease the fears of the audience. I just think he did a marvelace job with his speech delivery. This is not intended to start a denomination debate, but to merely point out his characteristics, and communication delivery.
Friday, August 17, 2012
Dare to Dream
Working with families from diverse backgrounds is a certainty, especially if you are in an area were growth is present. As an early childhood professional one of my hopes and desires is to be an effective entity in the lives of children, and to be able to communicate with the families of the children regardless of the backgrounds, religious affiliations, ethnics, or social standings. People are people regardless of our differences.
As for my goal, I want to educate the children by making a difference in their lives one at a time. As I think about the early childhood field and the issues of diversity, equity, and social justice I want to help the children and families understand that not everyone holds the same views and desires and that I may not have all the answers but when we work with one another we can accomplish anything. I desire to be given an opportunity to make a difference in their lives. Diversity is prevalent, and people from all over the world are wanting to enter the United States with hopes, dreams, and desires of a better life, and diversity is here. Diversity is real and so is equity, diversity and social justice. We must learn to live with diversity and thrive in spite of our differences.
To my fellow colleagues, I wish each of you the best in our future endeavors, and I look forward to communicating, and collaborating with you in our future classes. Thank you all for your comments, participation, and continued cooperation. It has really been amazing. Good Luck!
As for my goal, I want to educate the children by making a difference in their lives one at a time. As I think about the early childhood field and the issues of diversity, equity, and social justice I want to help the children and families understand that not everyone holds the same views and desires and that I may not have all the answers but when we work with one another we can accomplish anything. I desire to be given an opportunity to make a difference in their lives. Diversity is prevalent, and people from all over the world are wanting to enter the United States with hopes, dreams, and desires of a better life, and diversity is here. Diversity is real and so is equity, diversity and social justice. We must learn to live with diversity and thrive in spite of our differences.
To my fellow colleagues, I wish each of you the best in our future endeavors, and I look forward to communicating, and collaborating with you in our future classes. Thank you all for your comments, participation, and continued cooperation. It has really been amazing. Good Luck!
Saturday, August 11, 2012
Welcoming Families from different cultures
Each time I'm giving the assignment to include diversity about families around the world it seems to devaste me because of my lack of knowledge about the families origin. Through this course I have been enlightened about diversity and the difference between surface culture and deep culture. To truely learn and understand diversity and the origin of the family I choose I will have to explore deep culture.
The family that I choose origin has rootes from Chilie. In order to understand and make them feel welcom in my classroom I will have to learn about their language. This can be done through research and collaboration from fellow practitioners. I will also have to understand their family bonds and relationships with extended family members. I can read about this, but the best examples will come from watching them interact with each other. While home visits are rarely done, I will visit the community where they live to observe their interactions and roles. I will have to understand their values. The role of children within their culture. I need to know whether they value education, and desire their children to have access to educational opportunities. To me, it is important to understand if the parent's understand how important and valuable a good education can be for the child. Even though the parents may not speak the language, can I help them understand the value of learning.
As a practitioner, I understand the value of an education. By learning about the diversity of the families that I will be servicing, it will enable to center activities, and the learning environment around things that will help them feel culturally accepted and be able to embrace. Going to a new environment is overwhelming within itself, having things put in place to show that you are at least willing to learn and accept them helps ease the culture shock that comes along with diversity and migration.

The family that I choose origin has rootes from Chilie. In order to understand and make them feel welcom in my classroom I will have to learn about their language. This can be done through research and collaboration from fellow practitioners. I will also have to understand their family bonds and relationships with extended family members. I can read about this, but the best examples will come from watching them interact with each other. While home visits are rarely done, I will visit the community where they live to observe their interactions and roles. I will have to understand their values. The role of children within their culture. I need to know whether they value education, and desire their children to have access to educational opportunities. To me, it is important to understand if the parent's understand how important and valuable a good education can be for the child. Even though the parents may not speak the language, can I help them understand the value of learning.
As a practitioner, I understand the value of an education. By learning about the diversity of the families that I will be servicing, it will enable to center activities, and the learning environment around things that will help them feel culturally accepted and be able to embrace. Going to a new environment is overwhelming within itself, having things put in place to show that you are at least willing to learn and accept them helps ease the culture shock that comes along with diversity and migration.
Saturday, August 4, 2012
A glance at Prejudice, Bias and Oppression
I watched the story of Dr. Ben Carson on television and the
story showed examples of prejudice, and oppressions that he and his family
encountered because he was black and lived in a single parent household. Ben’s
mother was illiterate, but didn’t want her children to know that she was struggling
with this fact. She was determined that her children would rise above
prejudice, bias, and oppression.
When Ben finished eighth grade at the top of his class, his
teacher told the children that they should be ashamed that a black boy with so
many obstacles in his life received the highest academic award. She did this in
an open assembly with parents, faculty, and students present. When Ben first
came to the school, he was getting failing grades. His mother pushed him and
his brother to strive to do better. She made them read. Out of that, Ben expanded
his knowledge and desire to earn.
In this story, the teacher showed that she had personal
feelings and bias of prejudice and oppression. She expressed them openly. No
one in the auditorium addressed her statement they all sat there as if she was
right in what she was saying. Ben’s mother felt insulted, and removed the boys
from that school, and neighborhood to another district and school. Not all the
teachers felt as the one who spoke openly, because his science teacher became
impressed with Ben’s knowledge about rocks and asked him to stay after class
for what turned out to be a demonstration and praise of his knowledge he had acquired.
I felt that the teacher who spoke of her bias, prejudice feelings openly showed
that they didn’t want the black boy in their school, and she definitely did not
approve of him learning and exhaling beyond the Caucasians who were also
attending the same school. Education is free, and every child has a right to receive
a free education to the fullest extent regardless of color, origin, or family
As an educator, she should not have expressed her feelings
openly. If I could turn that incident into an opportunity for a greater equity,
I would have spoke up against such bias and open prejudice. Her feelings of
open prejudice turned into opportunities for Ben and his family. His mother
moved, and the young men attended another school. Ben had to face his rage,
that he harbored due to open prejudice and bias statements that others had
always expressed to him. He studied and with the encouragement of his mother,
he went on to college and became a famous brain surgeon. He would always see
and hear visions from his past that would motivate him to succeed. His mother
had taught him to have dreams and visions. As educators we should focus on
education and not the color of a person’s skin. Encourage all children to
strive for excellence. After watching
that movie I can see some changes I can make in my own family situation with my
grandson. I will start encouraging him more, and make him read more instead of
watching television and playing video games. Reading can be fun and very
Saturday, July 21, 2012
Microaggressions (Those hidden messages)
This week in bible class the minister was talking about hidden messages. I found myself answering with some of the information I've learned this week. I wasn't sure what I was going to write about until it happen on Friday.
My husband and I were trying to find a window unit air conditioner. We had went to several places, only to be sent further out, only to find no units the size we wanted.
We were in an area which was unfamiliar to us, and no signs were posted, but if the driver was paying attention he would have knew which way to go.
My husband of course was the driver, he pulled out of a Lowes parking lot going down a one way, the wrong way. I said, Elbert, but by then traffic was coming. The first vehicle was an ambulance, but the lights were not flashing, thank god. Then their were several more cars, about six. I don't know why he turned the truck across one of the lanes, blocking one of them completely. He seemed to be waiting until the traffic had passed. Several of the cars went on around just looking at him like he was crazy, but then there had to be one; An elderly white man can by and said; "that's just like you niggers", blowing his horn. I just waved, my husband blow his horn. I wondered what hidden message was behind his statement. I said to myself, now what was his hidden message. I know whatever his message, anyone could have made that mistake by not paying attention. I could have been a costly one, but thank god, no accident happened.
I found myself observing people actions, and seeing if their were any hidden messages of discrimination, prejudice or stereotypes being conveyed. I just want to make sure that I don't judge people by preconceived notions of ethnicticity or background, because the receiver of those hidden messages are not always silent and unresponsive.
My husband and I were trying to find a window unit air conditioner. We had went to several places, only to be sent further out, only to find no units the size we wanted.
We were in an area which was unfamiliar to us, and no signs were posted, but if the driver was paying attention he would have knew which way to go.
My husband of course was the driver, he pulled out of a Lowes parking lot going down a one way, the wrong way. I said, Elbert, but by then traffic was coming. The first vehicle was an ambulance, but the lights were not flashing, thank god. Then their were several more cars, about six. I don't know why he turned the truck across one of the lanes, blocking one of them completely. He seemed to be waiting until the traffic had passed. Several of the cars went on around just looking at him like he was crazy, but then there had to be one; An elderly white man can by and said; "that's just like you niggers", blowing his horn. I just waved, my husband blow his horn. I wondered what hidden message was behind his statement. I said to myself, now what was his hidden message. I know whatever his message, anyone could have made that mistake by not paying attention. I could have been a costly one, but thank god, no accident happened.
I found myself observing people actions, and seeing if their were any hidden messages of discrimination, prejudice or stereotypes being conveyed. I just want to make sure that I don't judge people by preconceived notions of ethnicticity or background, because the receiver of those hidden messages are not always silent and unresponsive.
Saturday, July 14, 2012
Defining Diversity & Culture
I asked three people about the terms diversity and culture, their replies are as follows:
Daughter: culture is ethnicity, religion, beliefs and where we come from, our surroundings.
Diversity is people maybe within your culture but the practice difference beliefs, like religion.
Retired teacher: Culture is ones background, beliefs, customs, nature, religion, where we come from., the area.
Diversity is a term used to describe differences in people, beliefs, customs, religion.
Grandson: culture is where we come from like some of the students come from Bangladesh.
Diversity is the difference that exists between us.
Gathering the information from my three people, seems to align with what my resources have taught during this week and the previous weeks. Smidt, S. (2006) gave examples of cultural beliefs and practices of different ethnic groups of people and the customs that they practice regarding work and family. This is similar to the definitions that we given to me. All three discussed people, family. and differences.
Some aspects that have been omitted were the specific practices that their culture practiced. They gave broad definitions. They also didn't discuss specifics or any practices that they believe were unique to their culture, such as the one discussed by Smidt, S. (2006) when the girl fell in love with someone outside her race/culture but choose to follow the customs of her family and submit to an arranged marriage.
Thinking about others and their beliefs that they practice in regards to culture and diversity made me think about people within my family that fit very specific situations. Diversity is prevalent, and it does not single people out, but it does shed light on differences. A persons culture reflects who they are and how the family, community, religion, school and life influence who we ultimately become. I thought about diversity, as a child that word was not used as much as it is now. I really don't remember it at all, that simple tells me that education is growing and diversity is on the rise. My ten year old grandson new exactly what I was talking about and went on to tell me about the children within his classroom and how his teacher includes diversity in class discussions.
Daughter: culture is ethnicity, religion, beliefs and where we come from, our surroundings.
Diversity is people maybe within your culture but the practice difference beliefs, like religion.
Retired teacher: Culture is ones background, beliefs, customs, nature, religion, where we come from., the area.
Diversity is a term used to describe differences in people, beliefs, customs, religion.
Grandson: culture is where we come from like some of the students come from Bangladesh.
Diversity is the difference that exists between us.
Gathering the information from my three people, seems to align with what my resources have taught during this week and the previous weeks. Smidt, S. (2006) gave examples of cultural beliefs and practices of different ethnic groups of people and the customs that they practice regarding work and family. This is similar to the definitions that we given to me. All three discussed people, family. and differences.
Some aspects that have been omitted were the specific practices that their culture practiced. They gave broad definitions. They also didn't discuss specifics or any practices that they believe were unique to their culture, such as the one discussed by Smidt, S. (2006) when the girl fell in love with someone outside her race/culture but choose to follow the customs of her family and submit to an arranged marriage.
Thinking about others and their beliefs that they practice in regards to culture and diversity made me think about people within my family that fit very specific situations. Diversity is prevalent, and it does not single people out, but it does shed light on differences. A persons culture reflects who they are and how the family, community, religion, school and life influence who we ultimately become. I thought about diversity, as a child that word was not used as much as it is now. I really don't remember it at all, that simple tells me that education is growing and diversity is on the rise. My ten year old grandson new exactly what I was talking about and went on to tell me about the children within his classroom and how his teacher includes diversity in class discussions.
Saturday, July 7, 2012
My Family Culture
A description of the three items you would choose:
1. Family Bible (The family bible has signatures and a list of family births, deaths, and some photos attached within the bible).
2. Family photo album (The album has pictures of my family members. It has baby pictures as well as pictures of relatives that are deceased. It also contains memorable moments of things we've done as a family).
3. Birth Certificate ( This is to prove who I am, and who my parents are. It also proves that I was born in the United States of American).
How would I explain to others what each of these items means to you
I would explain that the words of God is good no matter where you live. It is food for thought and nurishment to the soul. I choose the family bible because it has special meaning to me, because it belonged to my grandmother, and I have added to it over the years. It has special meaning to me about her and my culture and heritage. The family photo album is for me to remember my relatives, and how they looked. It is a guide for my children to remember their roots. The birth certifica is a symbol of my birth as a citizen of the United States. I always want to remember that I was born in a nation that allows freedom of choice and religion. A nation that fought for freedom.
Your feelings if, upon arrival, you were told that you could only keep one personal item
It would be a devastating blow, much like the one that caused me to be up rooted to a foreign place to live. I would have to make a choose, one that I could live with the rest of my days. I would not be an easy task, but one I would endure, because I would still be alive.
I have had to take a closer look at myself and my culture. I had not thought about why education was so important to me and how my mother and grandparents promoted education even though they have very little. I have even had to take a closer look at my religion. It is what helps me to continue to persevere. i was brought up in the church and those values are dear too me. When I was asked about a choice of the items I would keep, I decided that I should study more, because there will come a day I won't be able to read and meditate on God's word. Cultural diversity is a part of life, and I believe that our differences is what we can share and help others to understand.
1. Family Bible (The family bible has signatures and a list of family births, deaths, and some photos attached within the bible).
2. Family photo album (The album has pictures of my family members. It has baby pictures as well as pictures of relatives that are deceased. It also contains memorable moments of things we've done as a family).
3. Birth Certificate ( This is to prove who I am, and who my parents are. It also proves that I was born in the United States of American).
How would I explain to others what each of these items means to you
I would explain that the words of God is good no matter where you live. It is food for thought and nurishment to the soul. I choose the family bible because it has special meaning to me, because it belonged to my grandmother, and I have added to it over the years. It has special meaning to me about her and my culture and heritage. The family photo album is for me to remember my relatives, and how they looked. It is a guide for my children to remember their roots. The birth certifica is a symbol of my birth as a citizen of the United States. I always want to remember that I was born in a nation that allows freedom of choice and religion. A nation that fought for freedom.
Your feelings if, upon arrival, you were told that you could only keep one personal item
It would be a devastating blow, much like the one that caused me to be up rooted to a foreign place to live. I would have to make a choose, one that I could live with the rest of my days. I would not be an easy task, but one I would endure, because I would still be alive.
I have had to take a closer look at myself and my culture. I had not thought about why education was so important to me and how my mother and grandparents promoted education even though they have very little. I have even had to take a closer look at my religion. It is what helps me to continue to persevere. i was brought up in the church and those values are dear too me. When I was asked about a choice of the items I would keep, I decided that I should study more, because there will come a day I won't be able to read and meditate on God's word. Cultural diversity is a part of life, and I believe that our differences is what we can share and help others to understand.
Saturday, June 23, 2012
Overview & Thanks for the Support!
As I look back over the issues of this course, I must first thank the professor and my fellow practitioners for your support during this course. It has truely been an experience. I really appreciate everyone, and I wish you all continued success!
As for the course, I've learned that research is a complex issue, and one that should be taken seriously. During this course we've discussed and undertaken a practice research simulation. It has opened my eyes to the valued accomplishments that have been made in the field of early childhood education. during my studies I've gained insights about the nature of research. I've come to understand the importance of equity as well as the difference in quantitiave and qualitative research, as well as mix method methology. I've reviewed information that taught how researchers can actually manipulate research findings from the beginning to the end, to fit their desired goal for the research simulation.
As I recall how planning and designing a research simulation, I can recall that the best way to determine which model of research to use solely depends on the type of study and the information you a seeking to obtain. When researching early childhood education it is best to insure equity and fairness guidelines are followed. We must also be midful when using children as subjects and be sure that euity guidelines are followed. As with any research, challenges may occur, One challenge was narrowing down the topic and stating a hypotesis. For an amature researcher these could and did cause some problems, but with the help of the classmates and instruction, along with the course material I was able to work through the process.
While continuing my educational journey, my perception of the early childhood profession has been enlightened from the information aquired within this course. It's important to understand that research is important and how it is obtained is equally important. As and educator, we must seek ways to help our children become more knowledgedable about education and the world. Research is one way to help find alternative learning methods to help ensure our children's ability to succeed. I also believe that while researching early childhood education is important, so is thhe issue of knowing something about child development and learning. This course has also taught me how to distinguish between various methologies and the importance of validity and realiability of the research question. Again, I have enjoyed each of you and I wish you much success.
As for the course, I've learned that research is a complex issue, and one that should be taken seriously. During this course we've discussed and undertaken a practice research simulation. It has opened my eyes to the valued accomplishments that have been made in the field of early childhood education. during my studies I've gained insights about the nature of research. I've come to understand the importance of equity as well as the difference in quantitiave and qualitative research, as well as mix method methology. I've reviewed information that taught how researchers can actually manipulate research findings from the beginning to the end, to fit their desired goal for the research simulation.
As I recall how planning and designing a research simulation, I can recall that the best way to determine which model of research to use solely depends on the type of study and the information you a seeking to obtain. When researching early childhood education it is best to insure equity and fairness guidelines are followed. We must also be midful when using children as subjects and be sure that euity guidelines are followed. As with any research, challenges may occur, One challenge was narrowing down the topic and stating a hypotesis. For an amature researcher these could and did cause some problems, but with the help of the classmates and instruction, along with the course material I was able to work through the process.
While continuing my educational journey, my perception of the early childhood profession has been enlightened from the information aquired within this course. It's important to understand that research is important and how it is obtained is equally important. As and educator, we must seek ways to help our children become more knowledgedable about education and the world. Research is one way to help find alternative learning methods to help ensure our children's ability to succeed. I also believe that while researching early childhood education is important, so is thhe issue of knowing something about child development and learning. This course has also taught me how to distinguish between various methologies and the importance of validity and realiability of the research question. Again, I have enjoyed each of you and I wish you much success.
Saturday, June 2, 2012
International Research
I choose to search European Early Childhood Education
Research Association (EECERA)
I also viewed Early Childhood Australia,
Searching through the European Early Childhood Education
Research Association (EECERRA)
website, it took me to the Eric database, which is also a database that is used
in the United States. Some of the descriptors are child development, cross
cultural studies, cultural differences, day care, early childhood education and
intervention, financial support and others. Research Methodology is also a
Research topics:
a. The beliefs behind the teacher that
influences their ICT Practices.
Examining the sustainability of an evidence-based pre-school curriculum:
The REDI Program
“I Don’t Really see Where Their Going With It”: Communicating Purpose
and Rationale to the First Year Students.
d. Speaking up about Advocacy: Findings
from a partnership research project.
Enhancing quality learning through Experience of Research-Based Learning;
Implications of Academic Development.
It wasn’t really surprising to see that education and our
youth are a concern all over the world. The even have articles about advocacy
for young children. I was somewhat surprised about Eric database being the
search engine to generate the articles. Even
though I was surprised about the database, it was a good choice because it
tells you whether the articles are peer reviewed or journal.
Friday, May 18, 2012
Researching Classroom Reduction
As a parent and an educator, I understand the importance of reducing the number of children allowed to be taught in one classroom with one teacher. Resently, I found out that some of the early classroom environments were without teacher assistants. This situation bothered me because the classroom size was about twenty-five children to one adult. I've found that classroom management is a problem, and therefore, learning is a problem for some children. Some of our children need one-on-one interventions to help insure their ability to master the curriculum.
If I were given the opportunity and could make a difference in placing assistants back into the classroom environments to help offset the limited amount of learning that takes place, I would show how children in smaller classroom sections learn at a greater rate, than children who are tossed into large classroom sizes and are forced to deal with bulling, lack of attention, motivation, and a numberof things that our children face in today's classrooms.
I choose classroom reduction because our children are receiving a disservice as far as having a right to receive the best education possible. We are all familiar with the statement: All children can learn", but those that have difficulities in learning can't receive extra help because their is no assistant in the classroom. Early Childhood ranges from birth through age eight, and these are the impressionable years, and the critical years for development, including cognitive functioning.
I would want my research to compel parents and policy makers to take a closer look at the decision to remove teacher assistants from the classrooms. Many parents embrace No Child Left Behind (NCLB),
without fully understanding that the child will be left behind if he/she does not meet the standardized test standards, and if they are not reading at the appropriate grade level. Our children must come first, and parents can and should have a voice that will be heard by politician, policy makers, and school officials. Let's help our children to succeed in school and life.
If I were given the opportunity and could make a difference in placing assistants back into the classroom environments to help offset the limited amount of learning that takes place, I would show how children in smaller classroom sections learn at a greater rate, than children who are tossed into large classroom sizes and are forced to deal with bulling, lack of attention, motivation, and a numberof things that our children face in today's classrooms.
I choose classroom reduction because our children are receiving a disservice as far as having a right to receive the best education possible. We are all familiar with the statement: All children can learn", but those that have difficulities in learning can't receive extra help because their is no assistant in the classroom. Early Childhood ranges from birth through age eight, and these are the impressionable years, and the critical years for development, including cognitive functioning.
I would want my research to compel parents and policy makers to take a closer look at the decision to remove teacher assistants from the classrooms. Many parents embrace No Child Left Behind (NCLB),
without fully understanding that the child will be left behind if he/she does not meet the standardized test standards, and if they are not reading at the appropriate grade level. Our children must come first, and parents can and should have a voice that will be heard by politician, policy makers, and school officials. Let's help our children to succeed in school and life.
Saturday, May 12, 2012
Personal Research Journey
During my research journey, I decided to research cognitive development in children birth through age eight. I'm specifically interested in six through eight year old children. Because these are the beginning years of formal school and I want to know how they learn, recall, and retain information. I eight grand children, and two of them are in the same grade. One of them is having problems in school with learning. Their are a lot of factors that may contribrite to the situation, but I'm interested in how he comprehends and learns.
During our resources this past two weeks, I've been somewhat confused. But I kept reading the information until it made some sense to me. The information is very informative actually. Expecially, how the resources break down evaluating research. Once I began to reconstruct the research chart using key terms, it helped me to understand part of the research process. It seems to be coming along, a bit slow but coming along. One resource that seemed interesting to me Ebsco host, which is a search engine that Walden uses for its students. The NAEYC website is also interesting when research children and guidelines for policies. Is their any websites that you feel may be helpful for my research, or maybe you would like to share some information about the sites that you've chosen.
Good Luck! I look forward to collaborating with you in the future.
During our resources this past two weeks, I've been somewhat confused. But I kept reading the information until it made some sense to me. The information is very informative actually. Expecially, how the resources break down evaluating research. Once I began to reconstruct the research chart using key terms, it helped me to understand part of the research process. It seems to be coming along, a bit slow but coming along. One resource that seemed interesting to me Ebsco host, which is a search engine that Walden uses for its students. The NAEYC website is also interesting when research children and guidelines for policies. Is their any websites that you feel may be helpful for my research, or maybe you would like to share some information about the sites that you've chosen.
Good Luck! I look forward to collaborating with you in the future.
Friday, April 20, 2012
Personal and Professional Growth
Over the past seven week’s we have been studying about the early childhood field from a global and international perspective. My fellow practitioners and I have been collaborating with each other as we explored various avenues of early childhood including poverty, equity, and quality, and characteristics of being professional. While these are just a few of the issues that we have discussed, I believe the information has broadened my understanding and appreciation for the early childhood field. To my colleagues, I have truly enjoyed collaborating with all of you, and I wish you all the best in our pursue of excellence in the early childhood field.
Three consequences:
a. I began by trying to contact UNICEF Internationally. Later I looked into the Children Defense Fund. I was not able to make physical contact but I was able to explore various websites that were very informative about the early childhood profession and children. The websites were user friendly, and very informative.
b. The issue of poverty hit close to home. Poverty is an issue that has devastating and lasting effects on children and families. I particularly liked what Mahatma Gandhi, an Indian Philosopher said about poverty, “Poverty is the worst form of violence” (Mahatma Gandhi). Identifying poverty in my own area made me aware of the lack of facilities to help and support poverty right at my own back door. Children are going to school, without proper food, clothing and shelter, it the mist of trying to learn. We must advocate for our children both at home and abroad.
c. The importance of Early childhood education both nationally and internationally. Studying and identifying international situations that affect how children grow and learn has helped me to understand and affirm that color has no face when we seek to educate our children. All children have a right to an education, and we must begin by focusing on those critical years of development. The same issues that we face at home are found internationally in the early childhood field.
My personal goal is to help expand awareness and global efforts about nutrition, health, education, and the importance of our youth at becoming productive citizens with a bright future. I will continue to learn and support UNICEF in its efforts in the field of early childhood education. I’m also interested in advocating for children with the Children’s Defense Fund.
Saturday, April 14, 2012
Getting to Know Your International Contacts -Part 3
I still have not have any reply from my global contacts, so I viewed at
Upon viewing this website I found tha UNESCO recognized the need for early chidcare and education. This aligns with my goals of education young minds in hopes of becoming productive citizens in the future. The first new letter that I viewed advocated for early care and education but that their educational resources were limited and state support went toward the priviledged. The poor would only receive scant government attention. I believe that every child has a right to an education, and that education should start in the early impressionable years of development.
The second was the EFA Crowdsourcing challeng that promoted literacy development.The challengeaims to find ways to effectively usemobile communication to help achieve literacy, and develop universal primary education, and enhance quality of education and equality in education. Literacy development is part of th No Child Left Behind Act, and wants to ensure every child the benefit of learning to read before the third grade. As an advocate for children, I understand the importance of learning to read, and how important those first years are at developing a foundation from which to build future success.
The Third was to Global action plan called Moscow Framework for action and cooperation: Hanessing the Wealth of Nations. Through this global campaign for education the coalition of NGO's and teachers unions aim to raise awareness of education for all. targeting the most vulnerable. Thehave set up a week of festivities to run from April 22-28, 2012, to help raise awareness. This is a good initiative to help raise awareness, due to the lack of funding and lack of government support for the poor under priviledged children who suffer because of the economical status in some areas.
All three align with my educational goals because I believe all children have a right to be educated regardless of their economical status. I also belive that literacy development in the cornerstone of a bright future. Without learning to read our children can not hope to achieve success. Also as an advocate of child and the early childhood field, I'm in favor of any efforts used to promote awareness and support for early childhood. I was also interested in the mobile communication idea of promoting literacy.
Upon viewing this website I found tha UNESCO recognized the need for early chidcare and education. This aligns with my goals of education young minds in hopes of becoming productive citizens in the future. The first new letter that I viewed advocated for early care and education but that their educational resources were limited and state support went toward the priviledged. The poor would only receive scant government attention. I believe that every child has a right to an education, and that education should start in the early impressionable years of development.
The second was the EFA Crowdsourcing challeng that promoted literacy development.The challengeaims to find ways to effectively usemobile communication to help achieve literacy, and develop universal primary education, and enhance quality of education and equality in education. Literacy development is part of th No Child Left Behind Act, and wants to ensure every child the benefit of learning to read before the third grade. As an advocate for children, I understand the importance of learning to read, and how important those first years are at developing a foundation from which to build future success.
The Third was to Global action plan called Moscow Framework for action and cooperation: Hanessing the Wealth of Nations. Through this global campaign for education the coalition of NGO's and teachers unions aim to raise awareness of education for all. targeting the most vulnerable. Thehave set up a week of festivities to run from April 22-28, 2012, to help raise awareness. This is a good initiative to help raise awareness, due to the lack of funding and lack of government support for the poor under priviledged children who suffer because of the economical status in some areas.
All three align with my educational goals because I believe all children have a right to be educated regardless of their economical status. I also belive that literacy development in the cornerstone of a bright future. Without learning to read our children can not hope to achieve success. Also as an advocate of child and the early childhood field, I'm in favor of any efforts used to promote awareness and support for early childhood. I was also interested in the mobile communication idea of promoting literacy.
Thursday, April 5, 2012
Sharing Web Resources: Equity and excellence in early care and education
Some of the links that I have explored on UNICEF include: Press Centre, Where we work, Focus area, What we Do and other topics listed on the website.
One the Press Centre tab, I identified current UNICEF efforts such as:
· UNICEF ending child under nutrition critical to achieving vitually all MDGs by 2015
· UNICEF steps up its response to children affected by the crisis in Syria
· UNICEF break the cycle of disasters for the children of the Sahel and act now, says UNICEF
· UNICEF on World Water Day poor rural people missing out
· UNICEF denounces killing of children, women in Syrian city V Homs
· Disaster is stalking children in the Sahel
· UNICEF applauds landmark ruling on war crimes against children
These are just a few of the issues that are linked to equity, excellence in early care and education.
UNICEF: ON World Water Day, poor rural people missing out
On World Water Day, poor rural people missing out
As the world commemorates World Water Day, UNICEF asked governments to pay particular attention to those being left behind in their countries’ progress, especially with regard to access to safe drinking water and basic sanitation.
UNICEF gives a report on the progress on drinking water and sanitation 2012. They also reported that 783 million people still without improved sources of drinking water in 2010. Women and girls are the one that bear the burdens of collecting water for the families.
UNICEF works in 190 countries and territories to help children survive and thrive, from early childhood through adolescence. The world’s largest provider of vaccines for developing countries, UNICEF supports child health and nutrition, good water and sanitation, quality basic education for all boys and girls, and the protection of children from violence, exploitation, and AIDS. UNICEF is funded entirely by the voluntary contributions of individuals, businesses, foundations and governments. For more information about UNICEF and its work visit:
Two weeks ago a UNICEF and World Health Organization report showed conclusively that poor people in rural areas are overwhelmingly those without these most basic necessities for life. In Maslow’s hierarchy of needs food, water and shelter is the most important necessity that one requires for survival.
Surveys conducted in 25 countries in sub-Saharan Africa found that in 71 per cent of all households without water on the premises women or girls are mainly responsible for water collection. In a nearby community where I live, the water smells of sewage, and most people by water for drinking. But all who pay the water bill has access to water.
Insights about issues and trends in the early childhood field that I have gained this week:
KAMPALA, announced on APRIL 2, 2012 that UNICEF appealed for the inclusion of nutrition security as an essential element in every national development plan – as critical as clean water and indispensable as education as one of their goals by 2015. It was recorded that 20 million children under the age of five, around the world suffer from severe acute malnutrition. In the report UNICEF identified some of the effects of malnutrition beginning with pregnancy and stunting growth and development. Since children are our future, we must advocate for them, because they are not able to speak for themselves.
Friday, March 30, 2012
Getting to Know Your International Contacts, Part 2
Harvard University’s Global Children’s Initiative” (
Harvard University has put together an initiative that focuses on three domains: early childhood development, mental health, and children in crisis and conflict situations. This initiative is guided by a group of people that will collaborate, design and implement new projects geared toward advancing the initiative for children.
The three strategic objectives are:
- To reframe public discourse, about the early childhood period by educating high- level decision makers about learning, behavior, and health
- To support innovative, multidisciplinary research and demonstration projects in selected regions to expand global understanding about how healthy development happens, and how it can be derailed, and how to get back on track
- To build leadership capacity in child development research and policy among individuals and institutions in low and middle income countries that will increase and influence perspectives for young children
With this in mind, I was particularly interested in their focus on the situation of children in Haiti and Chile, who were affected by the devastation of the earthquake. I’m also interested in the strategies that will be implemented for addressing acute malnutrition. I would also like to add the effects of poverty on children who are already oppressed. The article discussed concerns about mental health in children and the implications for broader health and development of children.
It wasn’t until I began to study child development that I understood that children face stress in their everyday lives, and how important it is to address these issues in order to facility a healthy community of young children who are able to deal with stressors without setbacks in their daily routines in life. Stress is a part of life, and we must teach our children how to deal effectively with stressful situations. We know that the situation in Haiti was devastating and that the families and children are still feeling the effects.
Friday, March 23, 2012
Sharing Web Resources
As you know, I originally contacted UNICEF, and to this day I haven't received a reply. I continue to log on various websites in search of information that may help me in my quest for knowledge about the issues and trends in the early childhood field.
UNICEF newsletter on "the situation of children", January 2011., under the health section discussed publich health and expeditures being at its lowest point in a ten year period in 2010. The investment budget for 2011 prescribed by the Finance Law, has prioritized certain activities over others in an effort to meet basic health centres that serve the majority of health seeking population. This section is relevant to my current profession of early childhood because health issues affect the development of the growning child. Poor health also affects cognitive development.
This week I read an article on UNICEF that dealth with food insecurity. There was a shift from moderate to severe insecurity. This is important because Maslow dwescribes one ofour basic and essential needs as being foo. In the article supporting neuroscientist, Copple and Bredkamp studied issues on developmentally appropriate practice and the NAEYC explore components of creating an active, stimulating learning environment which is belied to strengthen neurological networks. The article concluded with "mirror neurons", which affect the young child's moods, emotions, and empathy.
Yesterday, my oldest daughter came home upset, because she found out that one of her high school students was homeless. She was looking for the child because of state mandated test issues. Poverty, health, nutrition, and shelter are issues that our children deal with on a daily basis in some cases, but the problems are rarely brought to the surface. This young lady would also be a product of food insecurity and homelessness, right in our own school district and community.
UNICEF newsletter on "the situation of children", January 2011., under the health section discussed publich health and expeditures being at its lowest point in a ten year period in 2010. The investment budget for 2011 prescribed by the Finance Law, has prioritized certain activities over others in an effort to meet basic health centres that serve the majority of health seeking population. This section is relevant to my current profession of early childhood because health issues affect the development of the growning child. Poor health also affects cognitive development.
This week I read an article on UNICEF that dealth with food insecurity. There was a shift from moderate to severe insecurity. This is important because Maslow dwescribes one ofour basic and essential needs as being foo. In the article supporting neuroscientist, Copple and Bredkamp studied issues on developmentally appropriate practice and the NAEYC explore components of creating an active, stimulating learning environment which is belied to strengthen neurological networks. The article concluded with "mirror neurons", which affect the young child's moods, emotions, and empathy.
Yesterday, my oldest daughter came home upset, because she found out that one of her high school students was homeless. She was looking for the child because of state mandated test issues. Poverty, health, nutrition, and shelter are issues that our children deal with on a daily basis in some cases, but the problems are rarely brought to the surface. This young lady would also be a product of food insecurity and homelessness, right in our own school district and community.
Thursday, March 15, 2012
Insights and issues on poverty
The national UNIEF organization that I’ve contacted has rendered no response to my request for communication thus far, so I used the website offered within our resources for the blog assignment to report my findings on poverty at
The UNICEF website offers tools on economic trends, policies and issues that have some type of impact on children. It also gives concerned advocacies practical means to assess and implement timely responses to cries, and issues concerning policy reform and social impacts on economics.
UNICEF has published a thesaurus and CR glossary that can help individuals understand terminology and data on children’s rights. The published two articles September 23, 2011 on child development in developing countries. The authors concluded that early childhood was the most effective time to prevent inequalities before disparities widen. The article also discussed programs that are aimed at improving maternal and child health outcomes.
China is the world’s most populous country; with population being 1.27 billion in 2001.China has made major strides in poverty reduction. The national poverty line is low by international standards. China’s transitioning from centrally planned to a globalized economy has helped reduce china’s poverty.
Over 120 million people have moved to the cities since 1990 in search of better opportunities. 4.2 million Chinese children live in absolute poverty, while 8.7 million live in disadvantaged conditions.
While these numbers are high, education and health levels in China are higher than many countries with equivalent incomes.
Friday, March 9, 2012
Web Resources
I choose UNICEF and the organization to study. The web address is:
UNICEF is a global organization that fights for the rights of children. UNICEF understands that the early years are critical years for development. They understand that a well nurtured and cared for child during the early years are more likely to succeed. They believe that nurturing and caring for children to be the cornerstone for human progress. They were created with a purpose to overcome obstacles of poverty, violence, diease and discrimination has placed in children's path. They are advocates for children. The also understand that a strong start at an early age willmake way for a foundation for a strong future.
UNICEF focus in the areas of:
UNICEF partners work to treat malnutrition among cildren
still displaced by the 2010 earthquake in Port-au-Prince. Haiti
UNICEF takes the position that the impact of migration on children, adolescents and women must be seen on a broader context than just poverty and childrens rights. They are also concerned with reducing the social cost of migration in developing countries. Children are being affected by migration on various levels such as being left behind by one or both parents, or migrating alone. Sometimes attempting to cross boarders without proper documentation. This issue relates to this weeks topic on changing demographics and diversity. People who migrate are leaving the people and culture that they are familiar with to find other avenues that may improve their living conditions and health.
UNICEF is a global organization that fights for the rights of children. UNICEF understands that the early years are critical years for development. They understand that a well nurtured and cared for child during the early years are more likely to succeed. They believe that nurturing and caring for children to be the cornerstone for human progress. They were created with a purpose to overcome obstacles of poverty, violence, diease and discrimination has placed in children's path. They are advocates for children. The also understand that a strong start at an early age willmake way for a foundation for a strong future.
UNICEF focus in the areas of:
- child survival & development
- basic education & genderequality
- HIV/Aids and children
- Child protection
- Policy advocacy & partnerships
UNICEF partners work to treat malnutrition among cildren
still displaced by the 2010 earthquake in Port-au-Prince. Haiti
UNICEF takes the position that the impact of migration on children, adolescents and women must be seen on a broader context than just poverty and childrens rights. They are also concerned with reducing the social cost of migration in developing countries. Children are being affected by migration on various levels such as being left behind by one or both parents, or migrating alone. Sometimes attempting to cross boarders without proper documentation. This issue relates to this weeks topic on changing demographics and diversity. People who migrate are leaving the people and culture that they are familiar with to find other avenues that may improve their living conditions and health.
Saturday, March 3, 2012
Establishing Professional Contracts: local & abroad
The first website it contacted internationally was throught the NAEYC website international which was undeliverable. The I contacted Japan at a glance through the national UNICEF website. I'm still awaiting a reply.
I also contacted UNICEF in Jamaica. I'm also waiting on a reply.
I also have a co-workers daughter teaching in Japan, that I will be able to contact for additional support.
I choose to explore the Childrens Defense Fund (CDF). CDF is a non profit advocacy program that is concered with children in poverty, protecting children from abuse and neglect. This organization has been established for over thirty-five years. They are also focused and concerned about health care, and a quality education for young children.
CDF is a national organization working for children on various levels such as state, federal and communities around the country. In their mission statement, they pledge to ensure every child a health and fair start in life. Some of their priorties include: ending child poverty, comprehensive and mental health for children and pregnant women, high quality early childhood care and development, and ensuring children's ability to read by the fourth grade, and on grade level. Quality in education is aimed throughout highschool and beyond. They want to stop criminalization of children and invest in preventative and interventive services.
Searching the web, I noticed a research library, and a link to view current statistices on topics such as the number of mothers that die giving birth, to the number of children suspened or become dropouts in schools.
Anyone interested in becoming an advocate or maybe becoming a contributor can log onto the CDF website at
I also contacted UNICEF in Jamaica. I'm also waiting on a reply.
I also have a co-workers daughter teaching in Japan, that I will be able to contact for additional support.
I choose to explore the Childrens Defense Fund (CDF). CDF is a non profit advocacy program that is concered with children in poverty, protecting children from abuse and neglect. This organization has been established for over thirty-five years. They are also focused and concerned about health care, and a quality education for young children.
CDF is a national organization working for children on various levels such as state, federal and communities around the country. In their mission statement, they pledge to ensure every child a health and fair start in life. Some of their priorties include: ending child poverty, comprehensive and mental health for children and pregnant women, high quality early childhood care and development, and ensuring children's ability to read by the fourth grade, and on grade level. Quality in education is aimed throughout highschool and beyond. They want to stop criminalization of children and invest in preventative and interventive services.
Searching the web, I noticed a research library, and a link to view current statistices on topics such as the number of mothers that die giving birth, to the number of children suspened or become dropouts in schools.
Anyone interested in becoming an advocate or maybe becoming a contributor can log onto the CDF website at
Saturday, February 11, 2012
"My Supports"
Imagine I am a person who has just come down with an
Infectious disease that had attacked by spinal cord, and I’m
unable t o walk. I need assistance with bathing, clothing myself
and preparing my meals. These are just a few of the necessities
needed to live comfortably within our society.
My first support staff would include family members such as my husband, and children. additional support would include, physical therapist, doctors, minister and church family, co-workers and administrators and ADA which is the disabilities act that protects people who have a disability from being discriminated against in the work place. If further states “that people with disabilities are entitled to equal rights in employment, state and local public services, public accommodations” (Chandler, 1994).
I chose family first, because they are the ones who will have direct contact with me on a daily basis, and will provide most of my physical support. They will be cooking for me, bathing me, and helping me to dress. They will also be encouraging me to continue and strive
For independence and providing the necessary support that is needed.
The therapist will be providing therapy, trying to help me gain strength
to my back and other body parts. Family members are also the ones who
transport me to the doctor and work place.
The therapist and doctors are there providing medical support and care.
The minister is there to provide spiritual support and encouragement.
He is there to keep me grounded in the word and doctrine and is
Accompanied by church members who also provide emotional support,
and offer their services in any way. My coworkers are there to
Assistance and support my endeavors in the workplace.
As I consider the impact that my support staff would have on my life, I
Believe that my life’s situations may become more complex, and stressful
In my support staff were removed, but I truly believe that someone else will
Be placed into my life to be of assistance to me. The whole idea is to help
Me become self sufficient in my living conditions. It may cause me to
Apply for home health care through an agency, but I believe I will try
To continue to survive and live from home as long as I possibly could
on my own.
Friday, January 27, 2012
"My Connections to Play"
“In childhood, we press our nose to the pane, looking gout. In memories of childhood, we press our nose to the pane, looking in.” Robert Brault
Lev Vygotsky
During my childhood, I remember getting things that my older siblings were tired of playing with. I was the nineth of ten children and we had to share. I did get a few things for myself. But those things were gottin during the christmas holiday. It wasn’t like now, where children are getting toys all year long. One child got a ball and the hole block playing football. My favorite pastime was watching my older brother do his math homework. I wanted to be smart like him. The pictures above represent a few of the toys I had as a child. As a child, my mother would tell us that all we had was each other. And as a child my life was centered around my older siblings. My grandmother took extra pain with me, she would make sure that I got things that I needed, not so much of what I wanted. My older sister had the gift of making sure everyone new how to spell their names. She would sing it to us in the form of a game, and that’s how I learned to spell my name. In the old days children played with children and stayed out of grown folks business. Now, children repeat everything they see and hear.
The role of play is very important to me as a parent and grandparent. I understand how children learn through play, and I can see how parents and teachers are merely facilitators. As I watch my grandchildren play, building houses with cover, having tea and cookies, playing with each other with nintendo (connecting) the games so that they can compete, I can see learning taking place, and how even the youger one desires to win. They have a competetive spirit. I can see how they love to play on the computer, looking for games. Even though they can’t read word for word, they learn how to picture read, and navagate the computer. As an educator, I feel that play is a vital part of the young child’s like and that policy makes, politicians, and child advocates should fight for the right to keep play alive.
The role of play is very important to me as a parent and grandparent. I understand how children learn through play, and I can see how parents and teachers are merely facilitators. As I watch my grandchildren play, building houses with cover, having tea and cookies, playing with each other with nintendo (connecting) the games so that they can compete, I can see learning taking place, and how even the youger one desires to win. They have a competetive spirit. I can see how they love to play on the computer, looking for games. Even though they can’t read word for word, they learn how to picture read, and navagate the computer. As an educator, I feel that play is a vital part of the young child’s like and that policy makes, politicians, and child advocates should fight for the right to keep play alive.
I agree with Piaget in his stating that “children don’t acquire knowledge by taking in information, but though a slow continuous process of construction”(Gestwicki, C. 2007, pg 40).
I also read that children are like engineers, they love to build things up and tear them down again, and that process is through play. I believe that children should continue to be given opportunities to be creative and express their thoughts, emotions, and desires through play.
Allowing children to explore the environment and develop a feel of what right and wrong, helps them develop a sense of self. I feel that children need play to develop and understand emotions, socialization, language, physical development, as well as cogntive growth.
Gestwicki, C., (2007). Developmentally Appropriate Practice (3rd Edition).Thomson Delmar Learning, New York
Friday, January 13, 2012
Relationship Reflection
Relationships are important to me because they help complete who I am. Relationships are bonds that depend and become valuable and more stable over time. As I remember over the years, I have made many friends, not all of them were lasting friendships, but the bonds that are most memorable are the relationships that still continue.
There are several people that I have positive relationships with, and that partnership/relationships that I hold dear.
My first partnership is with my husband, three daughters, three sisters and one brother. I also have a special bond with two play sisters. As I list my relatives, I realize that those bonds are for life. But as I grow older and I am able to share information, joys and sorrows, I have come to understand and grow even closer to my sisters. Family is there no matter what. They are their to comfort you and support you in your endeavors. The two play sisters, could have been blood because they are their for every problem, success, and they don't pass judgement, they just lend a listening ear. Relationships don't always bring joy, sometimes sorrow comes, but a true friend will be their no matter what the problem or situation.
Relationships have to be worked at, if you want them to work for you. I realize that I'm not always right nor always wrong, but these relationships that I've formed are with people who understand that it is o.k. to be different.
During the years past, trouble has tested my relationships with my friends, and we have come through those storms. I've learned that sometimes it's best to just listen and lend a listening ear. Then their are times when I have to work the relationship in order for it to work for me. Over time, I realize that love is an action word, as well as commitment. Some characteristics are love, empathy, stability, perseverence, and a willing personality are all characteristics that I see within the group of people I've identified as relationships. The only partnership that I have is with my husband because that is an oath that I took before God and family. It was a partnership that I did not enter into lightly. That is why I consider my marriage a partnership and it is what makes it special and set apart from the others.
The relationships and partnership that I'm discussing has had positive impact on my career choice as well as my desire to continue my education in the early childhood field. This has a great impact on me as a person and as a professional, because they value my opinion and outlook as a professional. We all realize that I don't know everything, but as a learner practitioner, I'm willing to seek out the knowledge that I need in order to make informed decisions within my area of professionalism. I was raised in a family network that supported family as the most important thing in one life, and I still believe that to be true.
There are several people that I have positive relationships with, and that partnership/relationships that I hold dear.
My first partnership is with my husband, three daughters, three sisters and one brother. I also have a special bond with two play sisters. As I list my relatives, I realize that those bonds are for life. But as I grow older and I am able to share information, joys and sorrows, I have come to understand and grow even closer to my sisters. Family is there no matter what. They are their to comfort you and support you in your endeavors. The two play sisters, could have been blood because they are their for every problem, success, and they don't pass judgement, they just lend a listening ear. Relationships don't always bring joy, sometimes sorrow comes, but a true friend will be their no matter what the problem or situation.
Relationships have to be worked at, if you want them to work for you. I realize that I'm not always right nor always wrong, but these relationships that I've formed are with people who understand that it is o.k. to be different.
During the years past, trouble has tested my relationships with my friends, and we have come through those storms. I've learned that sometimes it's best to just listen and lend a listening ear. Then their are times when I have to work the relationship in order for it to work for me. Over time, I realize that love is an action word, as well as commitment. Some characteristics are love, empathy, stability, perseverence, and a willing personality are all characteristics that I see within the group of people I've identified as relationships. The only partnership that I have is with my husband because that is an oath that I took before God and family. It was a partnership that I did not enter into lightly. That is why I consider my marriage a partnership and it is what makes it special and set apart from the others.
The relationships and partnership that I'm discussing has had positive impact on my career choice as well as my desire to continue my education in the early childhood field. This has a great impact on me as a person and as a professional, because they value my opinion and outlook as a professional. We all realize that I don't know everything, but as a learner practitioner, I'm willing to seek out the knowledge that I need in order to make informed decisions within my area of professionalism. I was raised in a family network that supported family as the most important thing in one life, and I still believe that to be true.
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