A description of the three items you would choose:
1. Family Bible (The family bible has signatures and a list of family births, deaths, and some photos attached within the bible).
2. Family photo album (The album has pictures of my family members. It has baby pictures as well as pictures of relatives that are deceased. It also contains memorable moments of things we've done as a family).
3. Birth Certificate ( This is to prove who I am, and who my parents are. It also proves that I was born in the United States of American).
How would I explain to others what each of these items means to you
I would explain that the words of God is good no matter where you live. It is food for thought and nurishment to the soul. I choose the family bible because it has special meaning to me, because it belonged to my grandmother, and I have added to it over the years. It has special meaning to me about her and my culture and heritage. The family photo album is for me to remember my relatives, and how they looked. It is a guide for my children to remember their roots. The birth certifica is a symbol of my birth as a citizen of the United States. I always want to remember that I was born in a nation that allows freedom of choice and religion. A nation that fought for freedom.
Your feelings if, upon arrival, you were told that you could only keep one personal item
It would be a devastating blow, much like the one that caused me to be up rooted to a foreign place to live. I would have to make a choose, one that I could live with the rest of my days. I would not be an easy task, but one I would endure, because I would still be alive.
I have had to take a closer look at myself and my culture. I had not thought about why education was so important to me and how my mother and grandparents promoted education even though they have very little. I have even had to take a closer look at my religion. It is what helps me to continue to persevere. i was brought up in the church and those values are dear too me. When I was asked about a choice of the items I would keep, I decided that I should study more, because there will come a day I won't be able to read and meditate on God's word. Cultural diversity is a part of life, and I believe that our differences is what we can share and help others to understand.