I still have not have any reply from my global contacts, so I viewed UNESCO.org/news at http://www.unesco.org/new/en/education/themes/strengthening:education-systems/early-childhood/
Upon viewing this website I found tha UNESCO recognized the need for early chidcare and education. This aligns with my goals of education young minds in hopes of becoming productive citizens in the future. The first new letter that I viewed advocated for early care and education but that their educational resources were limited and state support went toward the priviledged. The poor would only receive scant government attention. I believe that every child has a right to an education, and that education should start in the early impressionable years of development.
The second was the EFA Crowdsourcing challeng that promoted literacy development.The challengeaims to find ways to effectively usemobile communication to help achieve literacy, and develop universal primary education, and enhance quality of education and equality in education. Literacy development is part of th No Child Left Behind Act, and wants to ensure every child the benefit of learning to read before the third grade. As an advocate for children, I understand the importance of learning to read, and how important those first years are at developing a foundation from which to build future success.
The Third was to Global action plan called Moscow Framework for action and cooperation: Hanessing the Wealth of Nations. Through this global campaign for education the coalition of NGO's and teachers unions aim to raise awareness of education for all. targeting the most vulnerable. Thehave set up a week of festivities to run from April 22-28, 2012, to help raise awareness. This is a good initiative to help raise awareness, due to the lack of funding and lack of government support for the poor under priviledged children who suffer because of the economical status in some areas.
All three align with my educational goals because I believe all children have a right to be educated regardless of their economical status. I also belive that literacy development in the cornerstone of a bright future. Without learning to read our children can not hope to achieve success. Also as an advocate of child and the early childhood field, I'm in favor of any efforts used to promote awareness and support for early childhood. I was also interested in the mobile communication idea of promoting literacy.