This week in bible class the minister was talking about hidden messages. I found myself answering with some of the information I've learned this week. I wasn't sure what I was going to write about until it happen on Friday.
My husband and I were trying to find a window unit air conditioner. We had went to several places, only to be sent further out, only to find no units the size we wanted.
We were in an area which was unfamiliar to us, and no signs were posted, but if the driver was paying attention he would have knew which way to go.
My husband of course was the driver, he pulled out of a Lowes parking lot going down a one way, the wrong way. I said, Elbert, but by then traffic was coming. The first vehicle was an ambulance, but the lights were not flashing, thank god. Then their were several more cars, about six. I don't know why he turned the truck across one of the lanes, blocking one of them completely. He seemed to be waiting until the traffic had passed. Several of the cars went on around just looking at him like he was crazy, but then there had to be one; An elderly white man can by and said; "that's just like you niggers", blowing his horn. I just waved, my husband blow his horn. I wondered what hidden message was behind his statement. I said to myself, now what was his hidden message. I know whatever his message, anyone could have made that mistake by not paying attention. I could have been a costly one, but thank god, no accident happened.
I found myself observing people actions, and seeing if their were any hidden messages of discrimination, prejudice or stereotypes being conveyed. I just want to make sure that I don't judge people by preconceived notions of ethnicticity or background, because the receiver of those hidden messages are not always silent and unresponsive.